Stockton 11 Double Sided Stove

This wonderful client came to The Billington Partnership via recommendation by a previous client and we were pleased to be able to help.

The client had a chimney stack created in her large and often drafty kitchen. This space was just perfect for a double sided stove.

We showed the client several double sided options, and she finally chose the Stockton 11 double sided stove. Using one central chimney, the doors to both the back and the front of the stove are designed to open into adjacent rooms. It lets you enjoy twice the comfort and twice the view of your fire and provides you with a powerful heat output of 11kw.

The installation itself went extremely well although we did have to recruit a couple of strong helpers to lift the stove into place!

Take a look at another Stockton 8 double sided stove installed by The Billington Partnership.